Nick Jacobsen: he jumped over the

Nick Jacobsen has jumped over a breakwater in Hundested, Denmark.

At first glance, it looks easy and doable. Kevin Langeree, Ruben Lenten, and Olly Bridge have already landed similar and bigger jumps.

But there are a few variables that make this one harder to perform, including a couple of months of confinement, wind speed and direction, a bonus trick, and the landing's condition.

The 32-year-old daredevil chose a popular Danish kitesurfing spot - Lynaes - to check if his stuntman skills are still up-to-date.

"Precision is key when you mess around with urban objects. I had a few close calls before sticking this one," said Jacobsen.

Have you noticed how he added a short, yet colorful handrail grind at the end of the leap, and how he landed the move in around three inches of water?

Right - it's not something a human can do.

Kissing the Rocks

But Nick was not pleased. He wanted that extra pinch of salt and pepper that he so much needs in everything he does.

He was seeking that exclamation mark and fear factor he always adds to his original equations.

So, 24 hours later, the world's most innovative kiteboarder raised the bar, rode his board above the infamous breakwater, and slightly kissed the pile of rocks.

Nick Jacobsen is inspiring riders to make kiteboarding great again, but please don't try this at home. Remember, he's not human - he's a Danish robot.

The list of completed stunts is already a long one, but there's always room for more death-defying creations. What's next, Nick?

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