Surfing Huge Waves With Ease

Fred Van Dyke is one of the legends of the surfing world.
Fred lived on the cutting edge of society, falling through the cracks whenever possible. He valued free time like a broker who invests in the stock market.
In "Surfing Huge Waves With Ease," he prepares and launches into high adventure, riding 35-foot-plus waves.
In this book, Fred is the senior teacher-mentor.
He coaches the younger surfer who may aspire to ride huge surf and gives helpful tips on what it takes, physically and emotionally, to ride huge waves.
Book Details
Author: David Davis
Paperback: 54 pages
Publisher: Anoai Pr
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0970261802
ISBN-13: 978-0970261809
Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 6 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 5 ounces