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How to scan and replicate a surfboard
How roller skates influenced the creation of skateboards
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20 tips to survive and enjoy cold water surfing
Jamie O'Brien and Mike Stewart share a Second Reef bomb
How to scan and replicate a surfboard
Wavegarden creates a wave pool lab and high-performance surfing center
First Push Syndicate boosts skateboarding across US public schools
The terrifying tales of the Halloween Hellbomb 2024
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Skateboarding is a relatively recent outdoor activity, pastime, and sport. Although its roots are deeply attached to mid-20th-century California surfing, the skateboard DNA reveals a connection to a recreational activity born 200 years before in Europe.
Antoine Albeau has done it again. The French windsurfer has broken the world record for the fastest speed over 500 meters.
Have you ever wished to replicate your first surfboard? Do you think about remaking an old classic template? Are you looking to re-shape a favorite beaten, waterlogged board? Here's how to do it.
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