The culmination of Steve Cleveland's travels and filming over the past two years, "Fresh Fruit For Rotten Vegetables" is a fast-paced, tightly edited, hard-driving action-packed surf film with an equally complimentary hi-bred soundtrack.
The cast consists of some of the very best longboarders in the world, ridding all types of surfboards.
That includes traditional single fin logs, tri-fin hi-performance longboards, alternative and retro shortboards (hulls, eggs, fish, quads, twin fins) alaias, and state-of-the-art shortboards.
Filmed in Australia, California, Hawaii, Indonesia, and Mexico in HD, "Fresh Fruit for Rotten Vegetables" will keep your finger on the rewind button.
Featured surfers: Alex Knost, CJ Nelson, Beau Young, Harley Ingleby, Duane DeSoto, Bonga Perkins, Joel Tudor, Taylor Jensen, Jai Lee, Tyler Warren, Dane Peterson, Bryce Young, Chad Marshall, Christian Wach, Harrison Roach, Ned Snow, Brain Anderson, Kassia Meador, Jen Smith, Belinda Baggs, Bucky Barry, and Jan Wessels.