With a decidedly comedic approach, "Loose Change" takes on the age-old question, "What would a pro surfer be doing if he didn't surf?"
What if the leaders of the surfing world never found their true calling? What would they be? Rock stars? Slackers? Mechanics?
Would they choose a life of holding up convenience store clerks, or would they be world the counter themselves?
While a cast full of the world's best surfers set the new standard of high-performance surfing, "Loose Change" also tackles this philosophical question with a humorous twist.
This adventurous comedy uncovers the scary truth about where these guys would be if they weren't surfing.
Follow Rob Machado as "the slacker," traveling around his hometown looking for work.
Starring Rob Machado, Shane Dorian, Kelly Slater, Taylor Knox, Tim Curran, Dan Malloy, Chris Malloy, Keith Malloy, Kalani Rob, Conan Hayes, Bruce Irons, and Taj Burrow.
Music by Jack Johnson, Blink 182, Pennywise, Sprung Monkey, Pivit, Furious IV, Los Infernos, Flogging Molly, Double Drive The Scotch Greens, Rocket From The Crypt, Supersuckers.
Filmed in 1999. Locations: Mentawai, Hawaii, Mexico, Australia, France, Reunion Island.