Maui has been known for its unique wave riders for quite some time now.
For a long time, over 10 years, bodyboarding videos/films have been made all through a passion for the ocean and the pure fun and stoke of the sport.
"Shacks and Shakas," a Hawaiian style film, features unique POV angles, perfect Tahiti, Maui, and Oahu zones, as well as a number of the world's finest bodyboarders.
Featured Riders: Jacob Romero, Kona Kuailani, Leroy Kaiwi, Kingsley Uaiwa, Kevin Delmore, Jeff Hubbard, Chris Won Taloa, Jimmy Hutaff, David Tuarau, Mike Stewart, Guilherme Tamega, Micah Mcmullin, Spencer Skipper, Tom Rigby, Josh Garner, Michael Novy, Battz, Dubb, Dmarx, Kili, Maui Locals, Oahu Locals, Tahiti Locals, Australian riders and much more.
A film by Michael Kini and Marcus Rodrigues.