"The Present" is the third installment from artist Thomas Campbell. Following in the footsteps of his first two endeavors, "The Seedling" and "Sprout," Thomas had quite the shoes to fill with "The Present."
About four years in the making, "The Present" aims to capture just that: the present state of surfing, and maybe a little bit of the future too.
Old and new boards are mixed with great talent and amazing surf spots all over the world: West Africa, Hawaii, Australia, and Sumatra, to name a few.
"The Present" also dives into the new world of the alaia, a throwback to the ancient Hawaiian surfboards: a finless, wooden plank that seems to baffle and stoke even those who have surfed their whole life.
This film not only blends great surfers, awesome humor, and insane footage, but the soundtrack to it once again heightens the bar for all surf movies that will follow, much like "The Seedling" and "Sprout" have done in the past.
Mix that with tons of bonus footage, and you've got yourself the best surfing DVD in our store.
We'd tell you more about it, but figure you should really just see it for yourself.